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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Receiving Christmas Tree

Sasha, Malia, First Lady Michelle, and Bo went and received their Christmas Tree. Bo looks very big. And of course the three ladies has such good fashion.

Book Shopping! [ 11/26/11

Malia, Sasha, and President Obama went book shopping on November 26,2011. What a way to get plenty of books! [ The video below shows them book shopping. ]

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy ThanksGiving!

Malia, Sasha, and President Obama greeted one of the two turkeys on Thanksgiving. They've wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, and Malia wasn't scared to pet the turkey this time, haha. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
[ Below is a video of Malia, Sasha, and Obama on] [Thanksgiving.]

Friday, November 4, 2011

No Kardashians for Malia and Sasha

As the Obama family continues to live in the White House, there are still some ground rules. Daughters Malia and Sasha are not able to search the web and television on the weekdays unless it's homework related. President Obama feels that the television show, "The Kardashians" , is not a show that he would want Malia and Sasha to watch. The First Lady Michelle Obama said that their daughters are kind and curious ladies and does not want to mess them up.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Martha Vineyard 2011 { Bike ride ! }

Malia Obama & President Obama went bike riding in Martha's Vineyard on August 23 , 2011. It appears that they have also went to the book store , Nancy's restaurant , and President Obama went golfing. What a nice vacation they are having.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happy 50th Birthday President Obama

Happy birthday to President Barack Obama. Today is the day that he turns 50. God bless & thanks for the support of the USA.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth Of July & Happy Birthday Malia !

 Happy Fourth Of July !
Happy birthday to Malia Obama. Hope you have the best day ever and God bless ! Have a fun day as a teenager !!
Once again , happy birthday to Sasha Obama. She celebrated her birthday at Georgetown Cupcakes.

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